
The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is one of the original 37 public land-grant institutions created after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Morrill Act in 1862.


  • 1867 伊利诺伊工业大学成立
  • 1868 伊利诺伊工业大学成立
  • 1885 更名为皇冠2021app下载地址


The university is in the twin cities of Champaign and Urbana (total population 207,位于伊利诺伊州中东部. 位于芝加哥以南约140英里处, 印第安纳波利斯以西125英里, 在圣路易斯市东北180英里处. 路易.


40°06'36.88"N 88°13'38.13"W



  • 24,000,000+ Items mark one of the largest public university libraries in the world
  • 1,000,000+ 每周都有访客访问在线目录
  • 20+ Area studies libraries; one of the larger engineering libraries in the country, 最先进的农业图书馆, and world-renowned rare book and manuscript library


  • $731,000,000 in research and development expenditures in FY2021.
  • $120,000,000+ 获得国家科学基金奖



These centers offer the entire campus community opportunities to learn about and to experience the rich historic traditions and modern living cultures that shape our world.


  • 354 3 .大学区的建筑.6平方英里(2295英亩)

    All active university-owned buildings located inside the Campus Master Plan boundary

  • 651 建筑物总数,9座.9平方英里(6370英亩)

    All active university-owned buildings located inside the Campus Master Plan boundary


  • 4 Theaters in the 克兰纳特表演艺术中心 seat about 4,000 and annually host 350+ student and professional performances, 还有毕业典礼, 讲座, 还有其他事件, 很多都是免费的
  • 10,000+ Works of art at Krannert艺术博物馆 and Kinkead Pavilion’s permanent collection, KAM hosts high-caliber temporary exhibitions and interdisciplinary programs
  • 54,000 Artifacts of global cultures at the Spurlock博物馆
  • 75% Of John Philip Sousa's original music manuscripts, 世界上最大的收藏, at the Sousa Archives and Center for American Music


  • 21 Number of men's (10) and women's 11 NCAA teams (respectively) with 11 major facilities including Memorial Stadium (60,670个座位, 州立农场中心,544个席位), 阿特金斯网球中心, 哈夫大厅,152个席位), 伊利诺伊球场(1),500个棒球座位), 艾歇尔伯格油田,垒球500席), 伊利诺伊州田径和足球场, 以及德米尔吉安高尔夫球场.
  • 470,000 Square feet of recreational space between two newly expanded campus recreation and wellness centers. 包括室内跑道, 带滑梯的休闲游泳池, 攀岩墙, 篮球场和壁球场, 室内和室外50米游泳池, and much more; other recreational facilities include an ice arena, 户外探险中心, 直排滑冰场, 还有几个运动场
  • 300,000 人 visit the 阿勒顿公园和疗养中心 (1,500-acre national landmark located 24 miles from campus) each year
  • 16,000 Daily visitors to the 草地联盟 have access to a hotel, 宴会设施, 美食广场, 艺术画廊, and bowling/billiards area; Two ball房间s and 24 break-out 房间s are available for conferences, 会议, 和事件


  • 24 Undergraduate University residence halls accommodate 8,550名hga010皇冠app苹果, 包括10个生活学习社区
  • 6,000 Undergraduate students living in 15 private certified housing units and 61 Greek houses
  • 2,000 Single graduate students or students with families living in three University-owned apartment complexes; two residence halls are home for 720 graduate and upper division students
  • 1,000+ Registered student organizations, coalitions, honorary societies, and teams

项目 and Services for 人 with Disabilities

  • #1 Rated as one of the most "disability friendly" U.S. 校园
  • 第一个 第一个 to provide students with disabilities access to all university services, 课程, and facilities; developed first architectural accessibility standards; designed & instituted a wheelchair-accessible bus system; first to offer comprehensive wheelchair sports programming
  • 第一个 Developed the first transitional living program for students with physical disabilities needing personal assistant support services. hga010皇冠app苹果 with physical disabilities who require personal assistant support services have an 87 percent graduation rate; nearly 60 percent obtain employment within a year of graduation, while another 32 percent enroll in graduate or professional schools


  • 14,144 国际 students in 2022-23 from more than 130 countries.


  • 34,492 来自48个州的hga010皇冠app苹果
  • 7,957 2022年秋季入学的新生
  • 40,000+ 年度申请人数(大致)
  • 5,312 国际 undergraduate students from 87 countries (Fall 2022)
  • 5,000+ 课程
  • 150+ 学习计划


Undergraduate Base 学费 and Fees (Fall 2022)


  • $17,138 为2022年秋季入学的居民准备的一年
  • $35,110 非居民一年

Illinois Promise funds the estimated cost of tuition, 费用, 房间, 董事会, 为低收入家庭的hga010皇冠app苹果提供书籍

Illinois Commitment guarantees free tuition and campus 费用 for Illinois residents with a family income of $67,500或以下.


  • 21,702 研究生 and professional students in fall 2022


  • $18,512 住院医师一年
  • $34,106 非居民一年 (law, medicine, and veterinary medicine assessed separately)

学院(FTE 2022秋季)

  • 2,848 成员
  • 1,885 任期任期/跟踪
  • 963 专业及客座教授


  • 5,531 行政及学术专业
  • 5,170 公务员


  • 500,000+ Living alumni of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, one of the largest U.S. 校友组织



  • 罗伯特J. 琼斯,总理
  • John Coleman, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and 教务长
  • Barry Benson, Vice Chancellor for Institutional Advancement
  • Danita Brown Young, Vice Chancellor for hga010皇冠app苹果事务
  • Michael DeLorenzo, Vice Chancellor for 政府 and Operations
  • Susan Martinis, Vice Chancellor for 研究

招生 & 访客信息

本科招生: Office of 招生

901 West Illinois Street, Urbana, IL 61801; 217-333-0302, admissions@pixelor.net


801 S. Wright Street, Champaign, IL 61820; 国际/Domestic: 217-244-4637, grad@pixelor.net


901 West Illinois Street, Urbana, IL 61801, 217-333-0824, visits@pixelor.net (hosts 30,000 prospective students and their families annually)

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